Hello World

Hey! 👋

This is the first blog post I've written for my new website! In this post, I've decided to explain the site's stack as well as a little bit about myself.

Who am I? 🤔

Tristan Camejo is my name. I'm an Australian who enjoys developing apps, producing music, and designing and editing videos in my spare time.

The stack 👨‍💻

This website is more on the Jamstack side of things, for content such as this blog post I'm using Contentful as the CMS, for hosting the site I'm using Vercel and have programmed the website in React with the Next.js framework.

Plans 📝

I intend to add a "project finder" where you can easily browse through all of my projects, as well as a portfolio. As of the 18th of August, it appears rushed, which is due to the stuff I had deployed previously on this domain, which badly needed updating.

My Socials